A rainy day

A rainy day does not yet make a rainy season. As predicted yesterday a weak Low Pressure Area (LPA) reached the southern Philippines today. However a rainy day does not announce the usual 8 grey weeks in Camiguin.
Although we are approaching the month of December it is not yet time go the grey in grey days. But the ITCZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) already hovers just north of the equator and the sunny days will get sparse.
The LPA is well visible as a cloudy whirl south-east of the Philippine islands. The LPA is weak with a pressure of 1006 hPa.
The daily two peaks mark the low tide level. We then are a bit higher over the sea level.
This LPA also brings rain and fresher temperatures to the southern islands. Last night had been down at 26.2°C and now at 10 a.m. we are at 27.1°C. The days before the temperature climbed up to 31.4°C. (All temperature values from our weather station on sea level in Agoho).
The rainy days in Camiguin usually last from begin of December until end of January. Although in the last 3 years we encountered a shift of nearly a month. Grey and rainy weather then started end of December and persisted until end of February.
Observe the weather development in almost real-time. We also plan to put online our weather station in Agoho. Unfortunately we still encounter problems in catching our own weather data. We are not the only ones having this problem with the Oregon Scientific LW301. Here is a discussion about this problem.
We’re in the Philippines – let’s sing and dance
bought a TP-Link 3020, flashed it with openwrt, hooked it to the LW301, redirected “static.oregon…” and “gateway…” to local lighttpd server running at the router at port 80, catched the post requests and write down the values to .csv file.
The router is connected with wlan to my dsl router. I use a 16gb usb stick to save values.
Theoretically you can access it from outside, but i think i will upload the values to my root server some day and display weather in”realtime” on my site.
The static request to “…/version?m=xxx” replies with empty firmware? Do you got a valid firmware file for the LW301, where timings can be overwritten or the adress patched? This would be the best and nicest solution.
Greetings from Germany….