Kanlaon Volcano – outstanding movie by NAVA

Kanlaon Volcano is the dominating mountain of Negros island.
Kanlaon Volcano in the north-east and Talinis Volcano in the south-west have formed the island we know today as Negros island. Negros is part of the Visayas. While Mount Talinis is considered to be a potentially active volcano, no eruptions have been recorded since about 12,000 BC. Some fumarolic activities and solfataras can still be observed.
Kanlaon Volcano on the other hand is the highest peak in the Visayas. It is also an active volcano with recent eruptions. Please see after the movie.
Kanlaon Volcano – the movie
Canlaon Volcano by NAVA: This outstanding drone movie had been created by NAVA. The movie has been published a few days ago on the video platform AirVūz. AirVūz was launched in late 2015 as a video-sharing platform for the worldwide drone community. The movie opens in a new window!
This 3 minutes high definition drone video is absolutely worth to watch. If your internet connection here in the Philippines is too slow, you can also download it during the night.
We also recommend to visit our 2 volcano pages:
Kanlaon Volcano – recent activity
An increase in seismic activity during February to April 2002 was followed by raising alert on the volcano. An ash eruption occurred on November 28, 2002.
On March 17, 2003, a gray plume was observed above Kanlaon Volcano. Small eruptions produced plumes that rose 100 m above the crater of the volcano. A total of 46 minor ash ejections were recorded. After July 23, 2003, only weak emission was noted and seismic activity returned to normal.
A brief phreatic ash eruption occurred at Canlaon volcano on 21 January 2005, producing a 500 m high ash plume. A fine layer of ash fell on the town of Cabagnaan 5.5 km SW of the crater. Ash emissions began again on 20 March and caused minor ash fall in the town of Guintubdan 5 km W of the volcano. Until 4 April, occasional ash eruptions reached 1 km above the volcano, and small ash fall was reported in the towns of La Castellana (16 km SW of the crater), Upper Sag-ang, Yubo (5–6 km SW), and Guintubdan (5–6 km WNW). Ash eruptions stopped after 25 May 2005.
On June 3, 2006, Kanlaon again exhibited restiveness and spewed steam and ash. Alert Level 1 was issued on June 12, 2006. Until 25 July, a total of 23 ash eruptions were reported. All eruptions were phreatic (i.e. no fresh magma was ejected), and ejected ash and steam up to 2 km above the crater. No significant seismic activity had occurred before or after the ash emissions, indicating the explosions were near surface hydrothermal events.
On December 12, 2015, Kanlaon had two low energy ash eruption. The volcano is still in the state of unrest. The minor ash eruption of the volcano reached as high as 984 ft (300m). On December 27, 2015, an ash eruption occurred at Kanlaon’s active crater. The eruption plume reached as high as 3281 ft (1000m). Light ashfall were reported in some barangays near Kanlaon Volcano.
In March 29 at 6:20 pm, Kanlaon erupted for 12 minutes which produced a volcanic plume 1500 meters above the crater and a “booming sound” was heard in some barangays near the volcano. According to the police department of Canlaon City, several fire balls, which were coming from the crater of the volcano, started to flow following a booming sound which caused a bush fire.
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