Jellyfish Alert in Camiguin News from the Philippines

Jellyfish Alert in Camiguin

Jellyfish Alert in Camiguin

Jellyfish Alert in Camiguin – on Agoho Beach several people got stung by small jellyfish. Be careful! Before going swimming ask local people about the jellyfish on your beach.

Small jellyfish are currently in the waters on the beaches in Agoho. They are too small to be seen. But if you are not protected, you feel them. One of our guests got stung 2 days ago. She immediately sought help and we poured vinegar over the already red parts of her skin.

Jellyfish Alert in CamiguinWeak jellyfish reaction

Later in the afternoon the swellings got painful and we sought a doctor’s advice. It helped a bit. But today the swellings increased and pain arose.

Jellyfish Alert in CamiguinSkin swellings but no blood dripping

Fortunately a doctor from Manila had been present at Camiguin’s General Hospital in Mambajao this afternoon. He immediately started an intravenous treatment. A prescription of some medicament followed. We’ll monitor our guest tonight.

Jellyfish Alert in Camiguin

Jellyfish Alert in Camiguin

Jellyfish can be wonderful creatures, especially in the night. And in the night at least you see them. During the day they are almost invisible. When diving you can catch an eye on them also.

We usually encounter these small, not dangerous jellyfish during 2 weeks in February. Depending on the water currents, they can be in the south of Camiguin around Cantaan and Guinsiliban or come up to the north from Bug-Ong to Yumbing and even up to Naasag. In 2012 we encountered them around Mantigue Island.

CAUTION: If stung, pour immediately sal ammoniac or vinegar over the affected parts of  the skin. If swelling occur or pain grows, seek medical advice.


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