Early Warning Device – update

Early Warning Device are again available in Camiguin. Tee’s hardware store got a box full of these devices delivered this afternoon. Butch got two of them for our cars. It seems that one need two of these Early Warning Devices, one to be put in front and one behind the stopped vehicle.
After having read the updated LTO list of fines I looked for the list of mandatory car equipment in the Philippines. One never knows what is really needed. In Italy you need to have a vest in fluo colors in your car. In Russia you need to have a complete set of spare bulbs. So I asked aunt “Google” with the following search string “Philippines mandatory car equipment”.
Short – I didn’t find the expected list and the big problem is this paragraph:
This includes bells/horns/sirens/whistles, blinkers, brakes, early warning device (EWD), grill/s, jalousies, brake (foot and hand brakes), brake lights/headlights/interior lights/signal lights/tail lights, mirrors, mufflers, metallic tires/spare tire, speedometer, windshield, wipers or any other accessory, device, equipment or part that is manifestly prejudicial to road safety.
What is mandatory and what is not allowed? They mix up everything… And the explaining text doesn’t help much more
In addition, the motor vehicle shall be impounded until the accessory, device, equipment or part is properly installed, corrected or removed, as the case may be and payment of the fine.
Haha, the government will then use the unauthorized accessories
The improper or unauthorized accessory, device, equipment or part shall likewise be confiscated in favor of the government.
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