Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 – keep cool – physically and mentally

Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2

The Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 unsettles many people. The virus seems to be omni present. Everybody speaks of it. Everybody fears it. And we know almost nothing about it. Even the WHO (World Health Organisation) can do nothing other than give advice.

Administrations show actionism without clues

Yesterday I had been a little port here in the Philippines. I had been there to fetch our guests coming with a ferry from another island. Those who know the port from the pictures, also know the islands of which I am writing. 
I had been astonished about the Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 protection procedures. 

  • All passengers left the ferry and walked over the disinfection carpet that protects the island from rabies infection.  Rabies is also a virus, so the carpet might also reduce the Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2.
  • Then passengers have to queue up on a desk and fill-in forms and answer questions. (Photo 1)
  • Afterwards medical staff measures face temperature (Photo 2)
  • Then passengers are released and spread out towards their accommodation

Something seems to be wrong!

Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 - Data gathering

Photo 1: Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 – Data gathering

Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 - Fever monitoring

Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 – Fever monitoring

What is wrong ?

They should reverse  above procedure!  Imagine the last tested passenger shows 40°C fever. All other 50 passengers have already left the port. What a work to find 50 potentially persons spread over the island! Therefore I suggest:

  • First measure the face temperature of all passengers
  • Then disinfect shoes/feet
  • Gather the information and distribute flyer with rules and recommendations.

If one of the passengers show signs of infection, they still have them all in one place. They can decide what to do with all passengers and crew of the ferry. They won’t have to search the island.


No, I do not doubt about the statistics the governments and health organisations diffuse. I have no medical education. 

But when showing yesterday’s pictures to a friend, we found a strange coincidence! See yourself:

Face Temperature 1

Face Temperature 1

Face Temperature 2

Same Instrument on Face Temperature 2

Face Temperature 3

And again same Instrument on Face Temperature 3

Did you see it?
All three passengers show exactly the same temperature 36.4 degrees Celsius!
This is statistically impossible. A small variation of some tenths of a degree should be seen.
Therefore I think that this little pink gun is a defective gadget.

Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 – KEEP COOL!

This morning another guest informed me about her concerns. The question is:

Should I stay here on the island or travel back to Europe immediately?

Together we tried to find the best solution. Here are the pros and cons. Please write us what you think.

Travel back to Europe

+ Better medical services in Europe
+ More airports might be closed in a few days
– Contact with big crowds during the journey

Stay on the Island

+ Only contact with a limited number of persons
+ Only one negative tested case here
– Asia is still the most infected continent
– Limited medical resources on the island

Any other idea in our decision making is welcome!

 For more medical information related to the Philippines, we recommend to read our “Health Page“.


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6 Responses

  1. Jerald Lynch says:

    It is NOT statistically impossible for 3 passengers to have the exact same temperature; it IS statistically impossible for ALL passengers to have the exact same temperature. The only thing your photos prove is that your sampling of only three passengers was much too small to prove anything.

    • waebi says:

      Thank you for your feedback Jerald Lynch.

      These were 3 random shots out of about 50 passengers, but taken with the same thermometer.
      I agree, that this isn’t a representative sample. We were just stunned when looking at the pictures.
      We therefore decided to go back to the port on Thursday and take pictures of all samplings.
      They still may not be conclusive, but related to the same instrument, they may raise again some questions.

      See you again Thursday or Friday morning

      Cheers, waebi

  2. Keith says:

    It is not statistically impossible. Actually statistics demonstrate that it is very possible and will inevitably occur periodically.

    Keith BS in Math from Texas A&M University-Commerce

    If you really don’t know what you’re are talking about then maybe you shouldn’t write about it and spread misinformation.

    • waebi says:

      Hi Keith,
      Your first sentence is fully accepted.
      Your second sentence is personal promo. we let it go through.
      Your third sentence is a bit strange without the proof of your contradiction.
      We decided to go back to the port on Thursday and take pictures of all samplings.
      They still may not be conclusive, but related to the same instrument, they may raise again some questions.

      Cheers, waebi

  3. ingo says:

    hi, how is the situation now on the island?
    we are planning to stay some time early april.
    are flights from cebu still in operation?

    cheers, ingo.

    • waebi says:

      Hi Ingo,

      Everything runs well. No problems with the flights from Cebu.
      Just some health checks when you arrive,
      Only SkyJet from Manila will end their flights on March 23.
      Some new resorts and restaurants will surprise you.

      Cheers, waebi

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