Beautiful Silent Gardens

Silent Gardens is beautiful – no, I am not writing about the website but about the office.
Our entrance had been white, beautifully white – but a bit too white. Already for a long time we thought that we should have a nice painting on this wall. But never made a step towards.
A week ago, a young man came to our gate and offered his services as a designer and painter. We kept his flyer and told him that we will think about his offer. We then decided that it should be a Chinese style wall-painting. We found something we liked on the WWW. When the young man came back last Sunday, we showed him our idea. Within a minute we agreed his price and he promised to come back on Tuesday to start his work.
I installed our GoPro Hero 3 camera and configured it to take one picture per minute. We got 868 pictures with 3.65 Gigabyte of data. Too much to show you all.
Here we go:
A white wall …
In the evening. (All lights are solar powered 3W LED bulbs)
A day later …
After final corrections!
We are very happy with our new original painting. We are even more happy, because we learned a bit about the background of our local artist.
Adonis R. Acebes had grown up in Camiguin. Not anywhere in Camiguin but in the now demolished squat in Tapon/Mambajao. While he was painting our wall, the house he had been born, was being demolished. The house had been built many many years ago by his grandfather.
Fortunately his grandfather meanwhile had acquired a lot and with the money the grandson earned with his art-work, they could buy all the needed metal-sheets to cover the new house.
If you like the painting, call or text the artist: Adonis R. Acebes on Cell# 0916 853 2838
We are now compiling a time-laps movie. If it doesn’t get to big, we’ll publish it here. Otherwise you will come and see it on our own computers.
very nice. thanks for sharing. will look him up when we get there. have a seawall that needs some artwork